aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Sunday 3 April 2016

      To all my dear members of AIPEU PURI
  Dear all,
 The initiative by the divisional union to educate our members through a work shop on 03.04.2016 was just a mega show.It was only possible due to all your cooperation and good wishes.I congratulate all of U to make this occasion a historic one.I remember the successful work shop of NFPE through out India like  Thekaddy Kerala ,allahabad study camp or p3 Puri Work shop in 2012 and tried my best to make it success and fruitful.But due your support and unparrallel deliberation by our faculties and guest it was like a Rock Show in Rock Bay.I am so overwhelmed that I could not find proper vocabulary to express my thanks and gratitude to all.
I record repeated  heartiest thanks to all the SAs Com K N Satapathy,Com.S S Tripathy and Com.Ranjan and Com.Swadhin.
My sincere thanks to Com R C Mishra veteran NFPE Leader,my elederly Com Samal and most beloved Com .Purna SA Koraput.We are equally grateful to our ASPO  sri B Patra a prolofic poet and a voracious orator in Odia for his valuable advice to all the participant quoting the story of Baimundi well-corroborated by Com.Samal.On behalf of AIPEU PURI we record our thanks to the entire team of  Hotel New Rock Bay .
Due to all these things all the feedback received with excellent remarks only  .Some divisional union also acknowledging this initiative by us,circle secy Gujurat and one of my best India Com.Rashmin has given a nice comment in social media ,my respected Gen Secy and Secy Gen NFFE Com. R N Parashar has appreciated this job.i am really speechless .

Once again the red flag flying sky high.
 East or west NFPE is the best
NFPE is NFPE ,it is unparalleled.
  Hope the saga will go on