aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

            The AIC started with the flag hoisting.  Com. AVV, veteran leader of Postal Accounts from Chennai hoisted the national flag, Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE hoisted the NFPE flag and Com. S. Santoshkumar, President AIPAEA hoisted the flag of AIPAEA. Rich floral tributes are paid to Com. S.K. Vyasji and other martyrs of the working class. The meeting hall is named after Late Com. S.K.Vyasji, the friend, Philosopher and guide of AIPAEA.
            Com. Durai Pandyan, Chairman Reception Committee welcomed the delegates and visitors. In his welcome addressed Com. Durai Pandyan explained the pernicious effects of the implementation of the neo-liberal policies for the past 25 years.
            Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers inaugurated the 22nd Biennial All India Conference of AIPAEA. In his inaugural address on the topic of “History of Confederation and future struggles” Com. Krishnan vividly explained the formation of the Confederation and the struggles it has undertaken for the cause of the Central Government employees.
            Com. Brigu Bhattacharya, Secretary General of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association in his address traced the role of the JAC in articulating the demands of the Accounts and Audit employees. He stressed the need for continuing the JAC and activating the local JACs. He extolled the role of the AIPAEA in the JAC. Com.
            In the afternoon session Dr. Venkitesh Atreya, noted economist addressed the AIC. Deliberating on the given topic of “Development a Myth or Mirth”, Dr. Venkitesh Atreya raised the core issue of: Development for whom? He went on explaining the growth of GDP and its relevance to the poor and common man. He explained the fall out of the implementation of neo-liberal policies for the past 25 years in the country
            Com. R.N.Parashar, Secretary General of NFPE has spoken at length on the issues and developments in the Department of Posts. Narrating in detailed Com. Parashar mirrored the movements conducted by the National Federation of Postal Employees in safeguarding the interests of the Postal employees in particular and the interests of the working class including the CG employees in general. He assured to ensure the cadre restructuring of PAOs and settle the other demands of the Postal Accounts employees.
            Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE in his forceful speech castigated the policies of the present Government, which are against the common men, employees and workers.
            Com. KVS, former General Secretary P-III addressed the gathering and stressed the role of the PAO in safeguarding the financial interests of the Department of Posts
The Reception Committee honoured all the leaders of the Confederation and Postal who have worked for the success of the AIC. The cultural program organized by the Reception Committee showcased the talent of the Postal Accounts employees and their family members. It has enthralled all the delegates, visitors and guests.
            On the second day General Secretary placed the report and accounts for the period 2014-15 and 2015-16 after the composition of the House. Com. S.B. Yadav, Deputy General Secretary read out the minutes of the 21st AIC held at Bangalore. Com. S. Santoshkumar and Com. N.Veeresh, conducted the proceedings.
            Com. Amresh Thakur, former General Secretary, AIPAEA, recalled the struggles of the yester years.
            Com. P. Ranjanayagam addressing on a specific topic of “Future of Postal Accounts and AIPAEA” recollected the past history of the AIPAEA and advised the steps to be taken to prepare the organization for the future in the light of the technological developments..
            Com. A.P.Sastry, former President of AIPAEA also addressed the AIC.
            Com. K.Raghavendran, former Secretary General of NFPE and presently heading the All India Postal and RMS Pensioners Association addressed the AIC
            President invited the units to initiate the discussion on the Agenda. All the Units participated in the discussion.
            The General Secretary responded with elaborated reply on all the issues. The General Secretary thanked all the leaders and members of the Postal Accounts requested them to unite and march forward.
            The Reception Committee honoured all the workers and volunteers for their untiring work to make the AIC a memorable. Com. R.B.Suresh, the man behind the successful hosting of the AIC is profusely hounoured.
            The House elected the following Office Bearers for the period 2016-17 and
PRESIDENT:                                   COM. SANTOSHKUMAR, CHENNAI
WORKING PRESIDENT                 COM. N. VEERESH, Bangalore                                  
VICE-PRESIDENT:                         COM. A.B.PAWAR, NAGPUR                                  
                                                        COM. J.S.RAJPUT, BHOPAL
                                                        COM. VINDHYACHALSINGH, Patna                         
                                                 COM.SRIRAM OJHA, Kolkata                                                                                   COM.M.P.VIJAYAN, TRIVANDRUM                                                                                    COM.R.C.MEENA, JAIPUR
                                                         COM. J.K.CHOHAN, Ahmedabad                               
FINANCE SECRETARY                  COM. K.S. RANA,   Sundernagar                                 
ORG. SECRETARY                        COM. D. NARASIMHA MURTHY, Hyderabad                  
                                                         COM. K.S. DEEPA JALLANDHAR & KAPURTHALA
AUDITOR                                        COM. K. KRISHNA RAO, RAIPUR                                                                                             
            The outgoing General Secretary thanked all the members and leaders of the AIPAEA, Confederation and NFPE for their love and affection showered on him. He assured to be at the beck and call of the organization at any time. He wished the new Executive Committee and members of AIPAEA a bright future.
            The Conference concluded with vote of thanks by Com. R.B.Suresh.