Trilochan Parida R.C.Mishra
President Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
E-mail ID-p3orissa@rediffmail.com
No. UN/AIPEU, Gr-C/Odisha/03-2016 Dated-23-03-2016.
Sri Tilak De, IPoS.
The Chief Post Master General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
Sub- Total disruption of work in CBS offices due to link failure, sluggish connectivity & lack of ground level infrastructure, putting public & staff to untold miseries.
Ref-This Circle Union’s letter of even number 20-07-2015, dated 09-09-2015, dated 17-10-2015, Four Monthly Meeting Agenda item No-1 vide letter dated 26-10-2015, letter dated 07-01-2016, dated 08-01-2016, dated 25-01-2016 and agenda item No-1/03-16 for Forth-coming Four Monthly Meeting.
Respected Sir,
The untold miseries of staff who are working in CBS finacle & McCamish & great humiliations they faced before public have crossed all the boundaries of tolerance, even after working in the offices beyond 10-12 PM at night. We have received several instances from all corners of the circle about attack of public to our staff due to non-transaction for the reason of Link failure & poor connectivity. Our repeated requests not to make hasty migration for conversion of Non-CBS offices to CBS, to enhance connectivity, imparting proper training to officials, supply of required hardware & technical support, to stop irregular orders of CPC, Bhubaneswar not to leave offices etc. vide our letter of even number dated 25-01-2016 were not taken with due consideration and even ignored/sidelined. Our letters in this connection were neither acknowledged nor suitably replied. Further, the Department has failed miserably to provide proper connectivity to the CBS offices after lapse of nearly 1 ½ years of the initiation of the scheme and the grass-root workers are being tortured & penalised without any fault. The family & social lives of staff working in CBS offices & so also of the system administrators are seriously affected, rendering services 17-18 hours daily. Everybody waited patiently in anticipation of improvement in the situation, but, the matter is going to be more complex without any real solution.
In our letter of even number date 25-01-2016, we expressed our compulsion for adopting Trade Union action on the ongoing situation, taking in to consideration to untold staff suffering/miseries, but, no remedial measures have emerged. This Union again appeals for non-pressurizing staff to remain in the offices beyond office hour due to continuous link failure, disrupting the works in office hours and fulfilment of reasonable demands communicated vide letter dated 25-01-2016, failing which this union will have no option left, but to organise phase wise agitational programmes throughout the circle and the administration will be held responsible for the situation when our stand is always for peace & tranquillity.
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary
Copy to-1- Com. R.N.Parashar, SG, NFPE & GS, AIPEU, Gr-C, CHQ for information. The suffering & miseries of staff working in CBS & CIS is beyond description. No remedial measures is forth-coming in enhancement of bandwidth and also provision proper infrastructure in the offices. There is hasty migration of offices to CBS go live without even supplying Siffy net-work. The connectivity is very sluggish and also zero connectivity in almost all CBS offices in Odisha Circle. The staff are working in the offices till 11-12 PM night. Orders are going from CPC, Odisha not to leave offices before completion of EOD, when there has been no connectivity. We are receiving the news about tussle between staff & public arisen for link failure, and sometimes, public are violent to staff. The staff has been quite fade up on such prevailing situation when the things are not at their hands. Total discontentment & frustration is prevailing among staff and it is urged for immediate remedial action.
2- All Circle Office Bearers & Divisional Secretaries for information and necessary action.
Circle Secretary
aipeu puri