One day hunger strike by called by NFPE was observed all over the circle in full spirit.The NFPE Odisha circle staged day long hunger strike in front of O/O CPMG O today on 11.12.2015.Circle Secy of all wing P3,R3,ADMN.wing,P4,GDS NFPE participated in the hunger fast.Com.R N Dhal Ex-leader RJCM, com. D Das Convener COC& leader CITU also present in the hanger fast and address the leaders and members.Among others Com.Dusmant CS R3,Com. R C Mishra CS P3,Com.K Biswal CS Admn.wing,Com.D Mohanty CS P4,Com.Nirmal Singh CS GDS NFPE,Com.B. Samal Vice President P3 Circle Union,Com.Rajesh ACS-1 P3 Odisha were present.
The hunger fast was a thundering success.