aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Tuesday 7 October 2014

CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

Ref: P/4-5/PLI                                                                              Dated - 06.10.2014


The Secretary
Department of Posts                                      
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: -  Problems arising out in Core Insurance solution/Mc Camish migration – Request for solutions – Reg.

The following are the problems faced by officials working in the McCamish software in PLI/RPLI migration that require to be addressed early to ensure prompt and hassle-free migration:

1]      No proper training or clear cut instructions were given to the officials working in McCamish software resulting in lot of practical difficulties.

2]      Likewise, for the areas of KLC Updating and UA settlements, no proper guidance or instructions were given.

3]      The frequent Startup problems with invalid configuration that lead to failure in forms server or failure to connect to server create untold miseries in carrying out the migration work.

4]      The files that could not be corrected in the DATA CORRECTION at the end of the designated offices had to be sent to respective D.O/R.O or even C.O. for carrying out at C.O.  It is pertinent to note that certain files could not be opened at designated HO/offices level and are blocked.  Hence, they have to be opened and operated at R.O/C.O. only.  Consequent to this the Date Correction work remains incomplete.

5]      All the relevant documents are not available at offices for Loan Ledger Updation and hence the files have to be sent to R.O. for further action in this regard. Especially, the policies that come across the counter for Repayment/Interest on loan create discrepancies relate to loan ledger under different rules as RULE 38B, 39B, 44B,45B, 47B, 48B,35B;36B,23B,23F,341B, 25B, 339F,335B,329B,55B etc

Further, it is intimated that the date of payment of loan could not be ascertained from the PLI files.

6]      As far KLC Updation is concerned, it is intimated that correct premium payment date by the policy holders is not known.   

7]      As the rule discrepancy entries are blocked, the same could not be completed at the offices/Hos.  Likewise, the RPLI module too found locked and cannot be altered at the designated offices.

8]      Special PAO codes are not available at designated offices, hence, the discrepancy regarding KLC gaps and entering missing years in KLC updation cannot be done there.  Oral instructions are being issued every now and then not to do the same at HO level but so far no written communication/mail have been received.

9]      It is instructed that the Ledger posting should not be updated with N [no] for the past, but it is pertinent to point out that the manual schedules for the past period are not available at the HO end that result in impasse in updating the ledger files. Without verifying proper manual records, filling up with Y[yes] as per the written instructions may boomerang on staff in the future.  The updation cannot be done on assumptions and false presumptions.  This area needs to be addressed properly without insisting on simple filling with ‘Y’ only.

10]    Even for Maturity and Surrender details of payment not updated in NIC software.  As the files are not available at the HOs, the payments could not be checked by verifying the available records.

11]    For E category and to some extent B category rules, only excel format are being used and not fed in NIC software as the columns are blocked.  Hence, the accuracy factor is in question

12]    For missing years in KLC in PAO codes for special groups like Railways, Schools, Govt. establishments having bulk policies, PANO codes could not be done owing to non availability of payment schedules.

13]    ‘Converting of policies’ during data cleansing:  No such conversion available with checked files.

14]    While Date Cleansing, the difference is sum assured and premium amount with files and NIC software have to be sent to CO through respective DO for corrections .But, those files are generally returned without any correction.

15]    For updation of AEA payment, no particulars available in the Case files received.

16]    Assignment and reassignment of records could not be done at HOs but only at D.O. level only.

17]    Several policies with PAO code as per the schedules are in migrated level.  For such policies the premium cannot be updated as the details cannot be viewed and altered. 

These are only some of the problems in the migration process.  It is further added that many technical issues needs to be resolved by the only System manager attached at R.O.  as the S.Ms of divisions and HOs are also not equipped with trouble-shooting.  This aggravates the problem further. 

Without taking into account all these discrepancies and expecting the officials to complete the work as ‘he horses for the courses’ way may become counter-productive. “During migration, E category rules will not be checked by Infosys and if any wrong data will be there, it will be migrated as it is and post migration there is no provision to correct/update any of the data” is like shifting all the burden on the slender shoulders of the poor officials without creating a conducive atmosphere for proper migration which is trouble-free.  Hence, it is requested that all these technical issues are properly addressed at the earliest and then the migration done to avoid any major head-ache in the future. All technological and practical impediments may please be sorted out and user friendly environment be ensured for effective, smooth and best service to the clients.

Soliciting early response and awaiting a quote in reply.

With warm regards,

Yours faithfully,

(N. Subramanian)
General Secretary