aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Wednesday 22 October 2014

8th Bi-biennial conference of AIPEU Gr-c ODISHA CIRCLE AT SAMBALPUR

The 8th bi-biennial conference of All India Postal Employees Union Gr-C held at Marwari Dharmasal ,Gole Bazar Sambalpur from 18 Oct 2014 to  20th Oct 2014.The Conference Start with pump and ceremony and ended with a grand success.The hon'ble MP Sambalpur Sjt.Nagendra Pradhan had graced over the august conference as chief guest, hon'ble MLA Dr.Raseswari Panigrahi attended the function as guest of honour,Where Director Postal services Mr.M A Patel was the Special Guest along with Sjt,T Ray Supt,Sambalpurn.The attraction of  conference was the presence of  Com.M Krishnan and Com.K V Sridharan,both our Ex Gen.Secy,Com K C Pattnaik was the chairman reception committee.The reception committee was highly appreciated by both our pioneer leaders of NFPE Com.KVS and Com. Krishnan for hosting the conference consecutively for second time.The entire gathering overwhelmed by the high voltage speech of Com.M Krishan and most valuable deliberation by Com. KVS regarding 7th CPC memorandum and its justification.COM.RC Mishra,Com.R N Dhal,Com.K Biswal,Com.D Mohanty,Com.P K Satapathy Divn Secy Sambalpur,Com P K Rout President Sambalpur were present on the dias along with all  dignitaries .Some retired Comrades of Circle union were feliciated along with both the central leaders.Com Pravat Pujari Ex divn. Secy sambalpur ,Com K C Pattnaik,Com, Parija,Com TRipathy all were felicitated by circle union.The conference ended with selection of new set of office bearer as follow;

1.Presidenr;Com Trilochan Parida Sundargarh Division 
2.Vice President:Com.B K Pathi Aska Division
3. -do-: Com. Gopal Padhihari Balesore Division 
4. -do-: Com. Bruhaspati Samal Bhubaneswar Division 
5. Circle Secretary: Com. Ramesh Chandra Mishra Bhubaneswar Division 
6. Asst. Secretary: (i) Com. Rajesh Bohidar Puri Division 
7. -do-                      (ii) Com. P.K. Satapathy Sambalpur Divison 
8. -do-                      (iii) Com. Sibananda Dash Berhampur Division 
9. -do-                      (iv) Com. Asotosh Mahapatra Sundargarh Division 
10.-do-                       (v) Com. B.K. Mahalik Koraput Division 
11. Financial Secretary: Com. Bishnu Prasad Dash Cuttack CITY Division 
12. Asst. Financial Secretary: Com. Kunjabihari Dash Balesore Division 
13. Organising Secretary: (i) Com. H.K. Sial Bhadrak Division 
14. -do-                              (ii) Com. Rajib Tripathy Koraput Division 
15.-do-                               (iii) Com. Tarani Sen Busagar Sambalpur Division 
16. Auditor: Com. A.K. Mishra Keonjhar Division 


Com K.V.Sridharan, Ex Genl Secy, AIPEU (Chq.)  with Com. P.K.Satpathy, Divnl. Secy. Sambalpur

Com K.V.Sridharan, Ex Genl Secy, AIPEU (Chq.) with deligates 

Flag hoisting by Com. M.Krishnan, Secy. General, Confederation of C.G. Employees and workers

Flag hoisting by Com. M.Krishnan, Secy. General, Confederation of C.G. Employees and workers

Com. B.Samal, Divnl. Secy, BBSR Divn and Com. R.Bohidar, Divnl. Secy, Puri Divn 

Hon'ble M.P. Sambalpur Sj. N.Pradhan, Hon'ble M.L.A. Sambalpur Dr. R.Panigrahi with CHQ leaders

SPOs, Sambalpur Sri T.Ray with Com. K.C.Patnaik, Chairman Receiption Committee

SPOs, Sambalpur Sri T.Ray with Com. K.C.Patnaik, Chairman Receiption Committee

Distinguished Guests on the dais 

Distinguished Guests on the dais 

Inauguration of the conference by Hon'ble M.P., Sambalpur  and Hon'ble M.L.A, Sambalpur 

Inauguration of the conference by DPS, Sambalpur M.A.Patel

Distinguished Guests on the dais 

Com. B.Santisudha

Com. K.C.Patnaik, Chairman Reception Committee

Deligates from all over Odisha

Hon'ble M.P., Sambalpur Sj. N.Pradhan

Hon'ble M.L.A., Sambalpur Dr. Raseswari Panigrahi

Deligates from all over Odisha

Felicitation of Com. M.Krishnan by Hon'ble M.P., Sambalpur and Hon'ble M.L.A, Sambalpur

Felicitation of Com. K.V.Sridharan by Hon'ble M.P., Sambalpur and Hon'ble M.L.A, Sambalpur

Com. R.C.Mishra, Circle Secy. AIPEU (Gr. C), Odisha Circle

Panoramic View of Conference

Com. M.Krishnan, Secy. General, Confederation of C.G. Employees and workers, 

Panoramic View of Conference

Com. M.Krishnan, Secy. General, Confederation of C.G. Employees and workers, 


Felicitation of Com.K.C.Patnaik by Com.M.Krishnan and  Com. K.V.Sridharan 

Felicitation of Com.P.K.Pujari  by Com.M.Krishnan and  Com. K.V.Sridharan 



Com,Pradip Chandra Rout,President,AIPEU(Gr-C),Sambalpur Division

Distinguished Guests on the dais