aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Wednesday 7 September 2016


 SG M.Krishnan addressing an emotional speech!

NFPE and Postal movement was built up as a TU and not as a service organization since the days of British! Many of our leaders were imprisoned on many occasions to build our movement! CG movement both NJCA and Confederation reached out nook and corner of India to organise the strike! But Railways don't want to go on strike. Govt announced unilaterally to implement CPC recommendations. It was Confederation that prevailed upon NJCA to stick on the strike decision. But for Confederation, no question of NJCA sticking on the decision of strike. We had two options; either to go for independent action on our own or kConfederationeep unity in tact. We developed consensus to carry forward the unity. You NFPE should take a decision to go on indefinite strike if after four months time, the Committees don't deliver! If you are ready, then confederation will go ahead! There are Postal workers issues also. All issues for up gradation of pay to Allowances of Postal Employees stand rejected! Three lakhs of GDS who have full faith in NFPE, are watching the result of Kamlesh Chandra Committee. NFPE cannot keep quiet for the GDS Committee to wind up its work, but prepare for big struggles from now onwards! GDS NFPE has formed in more than 90% of divisions! Casual labourers are being denied justice and even Directorate Orders are not implemented in many Circles! AIPRPA the organization of Postal Pensioners also is formed in most states! Outsourcing decisions also come through T.S.R.Subramaniam Cimmittee! Though stayed for time being, danger is there. Though verification of membership is over long back, earlier Minister refuses to sign because BPEF will not be in reckoning! GDS unions also verification not going ahead! New Minister has come and we have to see development! Without serious struggles we cannot advance at all!After thorough discussions in Dharwar FC, unanimous decision was taken to join strikes with Indian Workibg Class; but today tendencies here and there for organising 'wherever possible'! This trend is dangerous and weaken our movement! NFPE Federal Council should have all these factors in mind to take proper decisions to march ahead!

some photos received produced here