Update as on August 31, 2014
Schedule of Paper II (Computer Skill Test) for the following Postal Circles is as follows:
Postal Circles
Exam Date
Exam Time
Gujrat (16)
13 to 19 September 2014
08:00AM onwards in Batches of 2.0 hr each. Please check your Admit Card for timings
Candidates for the above mentioned Postal Circles may check their status for Paper I by Logging into the website. Candidates, shortlisted to appear in the Paper II, may download the Admit Cards
Please keep visiting the website for exam schedules for other Postal Circles & updates.
Update as on August 30, 2014
Revised Answer Keys of Paper I conducted on April 27, 2014 at Assam (12), North East (25), on May 11, 2014 at Maharashtra (24), on May 25, 2014 at Andhra Pradesh (11) and West Bengal (32) Postal Circles are accessible. Candidates may LOGIN to view till September 02, 2014.
Revised Answer Keys of Paper I conducted on April 27, 2014 at Odisha (14) Postal Circle with few changes are accessible once again. Candidates may LOGIN to view till September 02, 2014.
Update as on August 29, 2014
Revised Answer Keys of Paper I conducted on May 04, 2014 at Jharkhand (20) and on June 01, 2014 at Gujrat (16) are accessible. Candidates may LOGIN to view till September 01,
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