aipeu puri

Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Monday, 28 March 2016
List of Holiday Homes
Implementation of BCP for next 3 working days in CBS Offices
From: Director (CBS)
Sent: 29 March 2016 08:15
Subject: Implementation of BCP for next 3 working days in CBS Offices
Sent: 29 March 2016 08:15
Subject: Implementation of BCP for next 3 working days in CBS Offices
Respected Sir/Madam,
We have issued various mails regarding smooth operations of CBS Offices up to 31st March 2016 by invoking Business Continuity Plans (BCP) for accepting Deposits, New Accounts / Certificates / Agent RD Schedules in offline mode but with setting up a control room at Dak Bhawan and kind of calls received with control room, it is observed that still CBS Post Offices are not clear in executing various BCP orders. Therefore, I am once again mentioning the steps to be taken for smooth functioning of CBS operations in the light of slowness of Finacle:-
1. If Finacle is slow in any CBS Post Office, only withdrawals and closures transactions should be carried out on line and all other Deposits, New Accounts, New Certificates, Agent RD LOTs should be accepted offline.
2. Passbook updating should be avoided in next three days.
3. Unnecessary Reports should not be generated.
4. Sacking of officials (if system is hanged) should be avoided as after 15 minutes, automatic sacking happens.
5. In Offline mode, Deposits in RD, SB and PPF are to be accepted in already circulated Excel sheets (refer BCP document). For SSA, orders will be issued separately.
6. For new investments, creation of new CIF should be avoided. If Finacle is working, use old CIF ID and open new account which takes very less time. If Finacle is slow or not working, in case of opening of accounts, AOF with KYC documents (if required) should be accepted with Pay-in-Slip and counterfoil of Pay-in-Slip should be given to customer after putting date stamp and signatures. In case of Certificates, receipt from NC 4a should be issued. Details of such new accounts should be noted in a Register and cash can be accounted for in SB Cash. If cheque is already cleared or clearance is received in next three days, amount can be accounted in SB Cash. These accounts can be opened in Finacle when speed is improved (but before 31st March) and date of acceptance of cash or date of clearance of cheque should be mentioned as Value Date in Finacle. If cheques are cleared without entering into Finacle, funding can be done by Debiting 0007 Office Account and Crediting 0382 or 0017 Office Accounts and then debiting 0382 or 0017 office accounts and crediting new account. No new investment should be refused by any CBS Post Office up to 31st March.
7. In respect of Agent RD LOTs, SOP has been circulated for accepting Agent LOTs in MS Excel and Agent LOTs prepared through Portal by putting value date as date of presentation of Agent LOTs. No Agent LOT/List in MS Excel should be refused by 31st March 2016. Agent List in MS Excel can be accepted through PEN Drive, E Mail or CD and saved on the desktop first. After words, it can be processed as per SOP circulated.
For any further query, Directorate Control Room numbers or CEPT Chennai Team numbers can be contacted.
With regards,
Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan
Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan
Secretary General NFPE and FNPO met Member (Technology) and Member (Personnel) and appraised the worst situation being faced by Postal staff due to CBS
Today on dated 28.03.2016, Com. R.N. Parashar Secretary General NFPE along with Com. D. Theagarajan Secretary General FNPO met with Shri V.B. Sudhakar, Member (Technology) and Shri Ashutosh Tripathi, Member (Personal) and apprised of the worst situation being faced by Postal Staff due to CBS.
After detailed discussion, the following remedial measures have been declared by the Department.
1:58 PM (53 minutes ago)
In response to your concerns regarding CBS functioning, I am directed to inform the following:
1. Two to three levels of EOD will be done centrally from CEPT, Mysuru from 1st April, 2016.
2. Two additional servers are being provided at the Data Centre today so that additional load can be absorbed.
3. The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) has been permitted by the FS Division from 23.03.2016. This will enable operations to be done across the counter.
4. An Emergency Response Team (ERT) has been constituted at CEPT, Mysuru to deal with outages.
5. A top to bottom review of the Application is being undertaken to ensure smooth operations.
Your co-operation is sought for effective implementation of CBS.
This issues with approval of Member (Technology).
Smooth functioning of POSB Operations in CBS Post Offices in coming 4 days
From: Director (CBS)
Sent: 28 March 2016 11:50
Sent: 28 March 2016 11:50
Subject: Smooth functioning of POSB Operations in CBS Post Offices in coming 4 days
Respected Sir/Madam
As we all aware that from last 10 days, Finacle is not giving expected output and Infosys is still struggling in accessing the route cause and rectification of the same. To overcome with the situation, this office has issued orders to invoke BCP through which users can accept deposits in all the schemes, accept LOTs from Agents, accept new investments in all the schemes directly and through agents even if Finacle is slow or not working and Agent Portal is slow or not working. It is observed from the various e mails as well as phone calls being received in this office that many CBS Post Offices are not invoking BCP or are not able to understand BCP resulting loss of business in these crucial days.
As coming 4 days are very crucial as customers/agents would like to invest in various schemes due to reduction in interest rates from 1.4.2016, it is very important to observe/monitor the working of CBS Post Offices in these 4 days and also extend working hours wherever feasible/required. Other Bank Cheques should be accepted by all HOs up to 29th March and in CBS SOs up to 28th March and should be sent for clearing quickly. Intimation of clearing should be sent to SOs immediately over mail. If Finacle is slow, business relating to closure withdrawal and Re-investment should be accepted in Finacle on priority which cannot be handled through BCP and other deposits can be accepted through BCP.
To monitor POSB Operations in CBS offices, a control room is being set up in CBS cell of Postal Directorate at 011-23036967 and 23036224 from 9 AM to 6 PM. In Addition to this, guidance may be obtained through e-mail at or
The Circles may also accordingly set up a control room to monitor. If any clarification/suggestion is required, circles may contact Directorate control room and this should be displayed at public notice boards for information of public and agents so that they can approach control room in case of any problems faced at any CBS Post Office.
With regards,
Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan
Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan
Meeting of Secretary Generals of NFPE, FNPO and BPEF held with the Nodal Officer of DoP for 7th CPC Implementation Cell
Today on dated 28.03.2016 a meeting of Secretary Generals of NFPE , FNPO and BPEF was held with the DDG(P) (Nodal Officer of Department with Pay Commission Implementation Cell) , DDG (Estt) and DDG(SR)at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
A detailed discussion took place on the demands mentioned in the Memorandum submitted to Secretary (Post) for modification. We emphasized that all demands should be achieved.
We demanded upgraded pay scales for PA, SA, Postman, Mail Guard, MTS, MMS (All categories), Admn, SBCO, Postal accounts and Civil Wing staff etc.
Next meeting with Empowered Committee under Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary will be held on 30.03.2016 at Cabinet Secretariat, Committee Room, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
On behalf of NFPE Com. R.N. Parashar Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary P-III , Com. Giriraj Singh General Secretary R-III , Com. R. Seethalakshmi General Secretary P-IV will take part in the meeting.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Friday, 25 March 2016
Documents sending procedure to CPC (CBS):-
All CBS Sub offices has to send the KYC application form ( Single sheet) to concerned HO only day-to- day basis One official should identify @ HO to scrutinize the all KYC application forms received from Sub offices and if there are any omissions in KYC application forms the same should be return to Sub offices in SO bags for wanting of omissions. If KYC forms is in order, then all the KYC forms of sub offices along with the KYC forms of Head Office should be sent to CPC (CBS) in one cover/bag by registered post on daily basis w.e.f 01.04.2016
The following points should observe while scrutiny the documents at HO level
- All AOF forms , KYC documents ( ID proof/ Address proof/Age proof) and any other documents submitted by customer should preserve at SOL level only in date-wise A4 size binders.
- Don’t fold the KYC Application Forms while sending to CPC. Kindly ensure the sufficient size covers for register booking purpose
- Don’t staple the Photograph on KYC Application Form. Please paste the photograph on KYC application form at space provided.
- For Joint a/cs don’t use Joint photograph of the customers. Please paste the individual Photographs of the customers against the fields mentioned for Applicant (1) /Applicant(2).
- Please mention correct CIF id and Account id / Registration number of certificates against the fields provided in the KYC Application Form.
- If any images (sign & photo) are not clear in Finacle application please send the revised KYC Application Form for re-scanning
- If any omissions are there in KYC application forms pl return the forms to concerned sub offices for supply of omissions.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
I-T Department wants you to declare all interest income in your ITR
ET Bureau|
Mar 24, 2016, 08.37 PM IST
BENGALURU: In a circular released on Tuesday, the Central Board of Direct Taxes has warned the taxpayers who do not declare all their interest income in their ITRs to correct their ways. They have been asked to re-file and rectify their returns for FY 2013-14 onwards.
You'll have to declare even those interest incomes where Form 15 G/H have been filed and the total exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to tax, that is, Rs 2.5 lakh. Only interest income up to Rs 10,000 exempted under Section 10 may be left out. The deadline for this is 31st March 2016. If missed, you will be liable to pay a Rs 5,000 penalty under avoid penalty Section 271F of the I-T Act.
While form 26AS reflects only those payments on which tax has been deducted, the department can track your other deposits and interest payments received without deduction of tax too via information received from banks and other financial institutions. "Information regarding interest earned by individuals and business entities on term deposit is filed with the Income Tax Department by banks including co-operative banks and other financial institutions and state treasuries, etc," said the circular.
In an online survey conducted by last August, 30% of the 2,168 respondents believed that interest of up to Rs 10,000 from bank FDs is tax free in a year. However, as per the rules,the exemption under Section 80TTA is only for the interest on the savings bank accounts. What one earns from on fixed deposits and recurring deposits is fully taxable. You also need to declare all those interest income where TDS has been deducted or you have filed Form 15 G/H.
Trilochan Parida R.C.Mishra
President Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
No. UN/AIPEU, Gr-C/Odisha/03-2016 Dated-21-03-2016.
Sri Tilak De, IPoS.
Chief Post Master General,
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
Sub- Non relieve two officials i.e. Sri SN. Singh & Sri Tushar Mishra, PAs of Puri division whose Rule-38 transfer were approved for Bhubaneswar division, by CO in March-2015, after lapse of one year.
Ref- This Circle Union’s letter of even number dated 21-09-2015, 07-01-2016 and agenda item in Bi-Monthly meeting with DPS (HO)
Respected Sir,
It is matter of great dismay that, no action has yet to be seen for relieve of above two officials from Puri division for joining at Bhubaneswar division though their rotational transfers were approved by CO in March-2015. Already one year passed and the Rule-38 memo for this year is already approaching. The non-implementation of CO orders by SSPOs, even after intervention of Circle Office so many times, has causes a concern. It is not understood for keeping of those officials in Puri division when their vacancies were taken up for processing for recruitment in 2016. In addition to that the said officials are manipulating to spend much more time without giving declination, which is also highly irregular. The SSPOs Bhubaneswar made their place of postings and the said officials have not relieved from Puri division for joining at their of place of posting, resulting to shortage of staff at Bhubaneswar division. More complicacy will even arise in the coming Rule-38 memo and two eligible officials will not be able to come to Bhubaneswar under Rule-38, as two vacancies are shown filled up.
It is once again requested for issue of strict instructions to SSPOs Puri division to relieve the afore-said officials without further delay to ensure implementation of CO orders and to preserve sanctity of Rules.
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary
Copy to- Com. Rajesh Bohidar, Secretary AIPEU, Gr-C, Puri division.
Circle Secretary
Trilochan Parida R.C.Mishra
President Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
No. UN/AIPEU, Gr-C/Odisha/03-2016 Dated-23-03-2016.
Sri Tilak De, IPoS.
The Chief Post Master General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
Sub- Total disruption of work in CBS offices due to link failure, sluggish connectivity & lack of ground level infrastructure, putting public & staff to untold miseries.
Ref-This Circle Union’s letter of even number 20-07-2015, dated 09-09-2015, dated 17-10-2015, Four Monthly Meeting Agenda item No-1 vide letter dated 26-10-2015, letter dated 07-01-2016, dated 08-01-2016, dated 25-01-2016 and agenda item No-1/03-16 for Forth-coming Four Monthly Meeting.
Respected Sir,
The untold miseries of staff who are working in CBS finacle & McCamish & great humiliations they faced before public have crossed all the boundaries of tolerance, even after working in the offices beyond 10-12 PM at night. We have received several instances from all corners of the circle about attack of public to our staff due to non-transaction for the reason of Link failure & poor connectivity. Our repeated requests not to make hasty migration for conversion of Non-CBS offices to CBS, to enhance connectivity, imparting proper training to officials, supply of required hardware & technical support, to stop irregular orders of CPC, Bhubaneswar not to leave offices etc. vide our letter of even number dated 25-01-2016 were not taken with due consideration and even ignored/sidelined. Our letters in this connection were neither acknowledged nor suitably replied. Further, the Department has failed miserably to provide proper connectivity to the CBS offices after lapse of nearly 1 ½ years of the initiation of the scheme and the grass-root workers are being tortured & penalised without any fault. The family & social lives of staff working in CBS offices & so also of the system administrators are seriously affected, rendering services 17-18 hours daily. Everybody waited patiently in anticipation of improvement in the situation, but, the matter is going to be more complex without any real solution.
In our letter of even number date 25-01-2016, we expressed our compulsion for adopting Trade Union action on the ongoing situation, taking in to consideration to untold staff suffering/miseries, but, no remedial measures have emerged. This Union again appeals for non-pressurizing staff to remain in the offices beyond office hour due to continuous link failure, disrupting the works in office hours and fulfilment of reasonable demands communicated vide letter dated 25-01-2016, failing which this union will have no option left, but to organise phase wise agitational programmes throughout the circle and the administration will be held responsible for the situation when our stand is always for peace & tranquillity.
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary
Copy to-1- Com. R.N.Parashar, SG, NFPE & GS, AIPEU, Gr-C, CHQ for information. The suffering & miseries of staff working in CBS & CIS is beyond description. No remedial measures is forth-coming in enhancement of bandwidth and also provision proper infrastructure in the offices. There is hasty migration of offices to CBS go live without even supplying Siffy net-work. The connectivity is very sluggish and also zero connectivity in almost all CBS offices in Odisha Circle. The staff are working in the offices till 11-12 PM night. Orders are going from CPC, Odisha not to leave offices before completion of EOD, when there has been no connectivity. We are receiving the news about tussle between staff & public arisen for link failure, and sometimes, public are violent to staff. The staff has been quite fade up on such prevailing situation when the things are not at their hands. Total discontentment & frustration is prevailing among staff and it is urged for immediate remedial action.
2- All Circle Office Bearers & Divisional Secretaries for information and necessary action.
Circle Secretary
Central govt employees begins countdown for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations
New Delhi: Central government employees have begun the countdown for the Centre to notify implementation of revised 7th Central Pay Commission recommendations.
“As per the reports received, the 7th Pay Commission Pay recommendations may be notified in June after the model code of conduct of states polls which in place is in place till 21st May 2016, said , P.S.Prasad General Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State.
The Staff side JCM in its two round of meetings with the Empowered Committee of Secretaries had demanded major changes in the 7th CPC recommendations, especially on the minimum wage, fitment formula, pay matrix and allowances.
Prasad added that the Empowered Committee of Secretaries may call the staff side JCM for more discussions, if the talks fail then the Central Government Employees should prepare for the indefinite strike from July 11 for which the staff side JCM has already given the call.
Earlier the employees federation had planned to go on strike from April 11, but due to the timing of the state assembly elections and implementation of ongoing model code of conduct, the federation decided that the employees would go on indefinite strike from July 11.
Once the implementation cell of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries gives final touch to the report, its recommendations will be send to the Prime Minister's Office for nod. Subsequent to which the report will be placed before the Cabinet for approval. The entire process is expected to take another three months.
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