aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Important information by FSI(CBS) Team, CEPT on Validations at HISCOD

From: FSI (CBS) Team, CEPT <>
Date: 24 February 2016 at 14:00

Subject: Important : Validations at HISCOD

Dear SPOC,
This is regarding  validations build at HISCOD ( EOD menu executed at SOL level). Yesterday night, it was intimated by EOD support team that patch meant for validation  at HISCOD for blocking transactions, was deployed.

While executing HISCOD at SOL level, will check for pending blocking transactions. If any  blocking validation exists, SOL will not complete HISCOD  and appropriate error  will be displayed on the same screen  like  " Transactions pending for posting",  "Transactions pending for verification", "Inventory authorisation pending" , "Inward zone not closed" etc.,

Based on error, user has to check in HFTI ( Unposted ( Entered) / unverified/ partly posted pending), HAFI ( account verification pending), HIMC / HICHB( Inventory authorisation pending), HMICZ ( Inward zone pending closure) , to know the details for clearing blocking validations

The same may please be intimated to all SOLs. 

Note 1 :  If HISCOD is executed with SET ID,  no validations will be done for any SOL and change of date will be initiated for all the SOLs in the SET, without displaying any errors. But while running HSCOD, if any blocking validations are present, HSCOD will fail for the SOL(s).  Infosys has informed that validations could not be built with SET ID due to performance issues. Further it was agreed by infosys that a incremental patch will be deployed for displaying  ALERT message while executing HISCOD with SET ID.

Note 2 : Please note that if any transaction is done by the user  after  completion of HISCOD by SOL and before completion of HSCOD  by CPC, HSCOD will FAIL. Hence please instruct the SOLs not to do any transaction after execution of HISCOD and before completion of HSCOD.

To overcome this, soon after completion of  HISCOD by SOLs,  please accord priority to run HSCOD   by CPCs to facilitate the SOLs to enter pending BO transactions, if any, after completion of HSCOD

Please educate the SOLs to enter next day transactions  only after completion HSCOD ( i.e, after change of date of the SOL)

Thanks & regards,