aipeu puri

aipeu puri

Saturday 13 September 2014

Shri Alok Saxena, DDG(PMU) and Secretary, Postal Services Board visited Ashoknagar MDG on 12.09.2014

Sri Alok Saxena, DDG ( middle ) with B Samal, Postmaster ( extreme right) , S C Barik, SSPOs, ( extreme left ),  K  Mallick, ASPOs(OD), Bhubaneswar Division ( right to DDG) and Prasant Patra, ASPOs from CO ( left to DDG)
After visit, Sri Alok Saxena recalling discussions made in the Workshop on 7th CPC by  AIPEU, CHQ in New Delhi on 25.05.2014 with B Samal, Postmaster  (B Samal, Postmaster  had  participated in the Workshop  as Divisional Secretary, Bhubaneswar & Shri Alok Saxena, DDG  had discussed issues to be placed in the draft memorandum to CPC )
Shri Alok Saxena, DDG, Viewing Ashoknagar MDG from outside  with B Samal, Postmaster