aipeu puri

Friday, 29 April 2016
Sify wins National Award for Department of Post (DoP) Network Integration Project
SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 28, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sify Technologies Limited(NASDAQ: SIFY), headquartered in Chennai, India, a leader in Managed Enterprise, Network, IT and Applications services in India with global delivery capabilities, has won the award for the "Best Use of Technology for Social Cause" for its Department of Post (DoP) Network Integration Project, at the Dataquest Business Technology Awards.
As part of the Rs. 1877.20 Cr DoP modernization/IT automation drive/program, Sify was mandated to build and connect endpoints inclusive of both sorting and administration offices. Sify has played an immensely crucial role by building the largest integrated MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) network in India for the postal services. The total scale of the project involved connecting 28,818 post offices in Phase I; 60% of it across rural parts of the country. Geographically, this covers more than 172000 villages and towns.
Congratulating Sify on the award, Mrs. Kavery Banerjee, Secretary (Posts), Government of India, said, "Sify has been an important partner for the Department of Posts in the IT Modernization Project that aims at transforming the Department from a physical to a digital network. Sify has networked post offices, mail offices and administrative offices of the Department, using multiple modes of connectivity, such as MPLS, Leased Line, wired or wireless internet in diverse geographical locations spread across the length & breadth of India. Further to completion, Sify will continue to maintain this network of over 28,000 offices till 2019."
Commenting on the win, Mr. Kamal Nath, Chief Executive Officer, Sify Technologies Limited, said, "We have started 2016 on a great note with this win. And this award has come close on the heels of the launch of our largest global innovation and development center in India in Hyderabad. I wish to congratulate and thank the various teams in Sify that have worked so hard on this project. The DoP implementation is a landmark project for us that truly showcases Sify's industry-leading network integration capabilities. In building this network, Sify has effectively commissioned the largest MPLS network in India. This award highlights and validates our commitment and efforts to become India's largest integrated ICT Company."
Sify's new-age network for DoP facilitates real time transactions and enables banking for the "unbanked" sections of the society. The people benefited by the initiative include approximately 1.44 million citizens who now have access to real-time banking, banking instruments and banking services. Apart from the transactional benefit to the unbanked, this project holds promise to the banking majors to establish sister units in the most remote parts of the country. This project has also aided the Indian Postal Network into becoming the largest seamlessly integrated logistical provider. Each customer is now a digital address and the transportation capacity of the postal system can now be converted and utilized by ecommerce majors across India.
About Sify Technologies
Sify is among the largest integrated ICT Solutions and Services companies in India, offering end-to-end solutions with a comprehensive range of products delivered over a common telecom data network infrastructure reaching more than 1300 cities and towns in India. This telecom network today connects 38 Data Centers across India including Sify's 6 Tier 3 Data Centers across the cities of Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru. A significant part of the company's revenue is derived from Enterprise Services, comprised of Telecom services, Data Center services, Cloud and Managed services, Applications Integration services and Technology Integration services. Sify also provides services that cater to the burgeoning demands of the SMB community, much of it on its Cloud services platform.
Sify is ISO 9001:2008 certified for Enterprise Sales, Provisioning, support and customer relationship management of ICT solutions and services including VPN, Network, Voice, Data Center hosting, Integration services, security services and managed services. Sify has been certified in ISO / IEC 20000 - 1:2011 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified for Internet Data Center operations. Sify has been certified in SSAE16 SOC2 Type II for Cloud Infrastructure and in TL 9000 for Enterprise Network Services, Network Integration Services including Design, Implementation and Support services. The latter certification is telecommunication industry's quality system standard that expands the requirements of the International Standards Organization's ISO 9000 quality management standard in use by industries worldwide. Sify has Unified License to operate NLD (National Long Distance), ILD (International Long Distance) services and ISP services and offers VoIP backhaul for international carriers. With the Sify Cable landing station and partnerships with submarine cable companies globally, Sify is present in almost all the spheres of the ICT eco system.
Sify has an expanding base of Managed Services customers, both in India and overseas, and is India's first enterprise managed services provider to launch a Security Operations Center (SOC) to deliver managed security services. The software team develops applications and offers services to improve business efficiencies of its current and prospective client bases. Sify also offers services in the specialized domains of eLearning, both in India and globally. For more information about Sify, visit
Source :
Transfer and Posting in JTS Gr-A Cadre
The following transfer and posting order in JTS Gr-A cadre has been issued vide C.O. Order No. ST/2-34(3)/2015 dated 29-04-2016.
Sl No
Name of the Officer S/Shri
Present place of Posting
Posted on transfer
Krutartha Behera
SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division, Bhubaneswar
Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar-751010
N. K. Samal
Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar-751010
SSRM, RMS “N” Division, Cuttack753001
Adhoc Promotion to JTS Gr-A Cadre in Odisha Circle
The following PS Group-B Officer(s) is/are promoted to JTS Gr-A Cadre on temporary and adhoc basis and allotted Regions/posted against the post as mentioned below vide Circle Office Memo No.ST/2-34(3)/2015 dated 29/04/2016:-
Sl No
Name of Officer
Present place of posting
Allotted to the Region
Posted on adhoc Promotion
Daitari Rana
SPOs, Koraput Division
Berhampur Region
SSPOs, Koraput Division
Basanta Ku. Panda
AD-II, RO, Berhampur
Berhampur Region
SSPOs, Berhampur Division, Berhampur w.e.f. 01-05-2016
Manoj Ku Naik
AD(Est), CO, BBSR under orders of posting as Dy Manager, PPP, BBSR
Bhubaneswar HQ Region
SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division, Bhubaneswar
Posting in PS group-B Cadre
Shri Satybadi Biswal, offtg SSRM, RMS 'N' Division, Cuttack on reversion to substantive cadre is posted as Sr. Postmaster, Cuttsck GPO vide Circle Office Memo No.ST/2-34(3)/2016 dated 29/04/2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
DATED - 27.04.2016
Diamond Jubilee year National Conference of the Confederation of Central government Employees & Workers will be held at Chennai on 16th,17th&18th August 2016. Confederation was formed on 16.08.1956. The conference is pre-poned from 26th, 27th & 28th August to 16th, 17th & 18th, as the All India general Strike is on 2nd September 2016. The above dates are final. Notice for the National Conference will be issued shortly.
All India women’s convention of the confederation will also be held along with the National Conference.
All affiliated organisations of the Confederation, All C-O-C’s and all CHQ office bearers and Women’s subcommittee members are requested to decide the names of Delegates/Visitors attending National Conference and All India Women’s convention, well in advance and book their up and down travel tickets without any delay. Last minute, it will be very difficult to get confirmed tickets.
Confederation was formed in the year 1956. The idea was mooted by Com. B N Ghosh, then Secretary General of NFPTE. There were many demands of the Central government Employees which were of a general nature concerning all the Central Government Employees. It was felt by Com B N Ghosh that an organization of all Central Government Employees is required for wider unity and struggle. As such he approached all the Unions and Federations in the central government establishments. Railway and defense federations did not show much interest. However other central government employees organisations showed much enthusiasm.
A joint meeting of all the willing Unions/Federations was held at New Delhi on 16th August 1956 presided by Shri Sarangdhar Das, Member of Parliament. Detailed discussion took place and “Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers” was formed. Nath Pai, Member of Parliament, was elected as Chairman and S Madhusoodhanan of Civil Aviation was elected as Secretary General. Rest is history. In the formation meeting on 16th August 1956 only ten organizations participated. The number of affiliates went on increasing year by year and as on date Confederation is having 112 affiliated organizations.
All the C-O-Cs are requested to celebrate the diamond jubilee in most befitting manner by organizing at least one program by each C-O-C. Senior leaders may be honored in the function.
As already notified, the All India Trade Union Education Camp - 2016 of Confederation will be held at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May 2016. The last two camps held at Mumbai (2014) & Bangalore (2015) was a grand success. The COC Dehradun is actively involved in making all the arrangements for successful conducting of the camp. Detailed circular regarding classes, venue, food, accommodation, climate, contact phone numbers etc will be published shortly. Delegate fee per head is fixed as Rs.600/- (Rs Six hundred only).
All the affiliated organisations and C-OC’s are once again requested to depute the given number of delegates to the camp. The Quota fixed is furnished below.
Name of the affiliated C-O-C’s and the quota of delegates
NFPE – 60, ITEF – 20, Audit & Accounts -10, Atomic energy – 10, Civil Accounts-10
All other affiliated organisations -3 each.
COC West Bengal -20, COC Kerala-15, COC Karnataka-10, COC Tamilnadu-15, COC Andhra-10
COC Delhi-15, All other COCs- 3 each
Please instruct the delegates to book their travel tickets immediately.
2016 May 1st may be observed as May Day at all important centers jointly with other fraternal organisations. The importance of the International Workers Day and the need to strengthen the unity of working class by building up class-oriented militant struggle against the imperialist neo liberal globalization policies may be explained to the workers
The national convention of workers at Mavilanka Hall, New Delhi on 30.03.2016 under the banner of all Central Trade Unions(except BMS) and other Federations/Unions/Associations has decided to organize one day ALL INDIA GENERAL STRIKE on 2nd September 2016 against the anti - people anti- labor policies of the NDA Govt. The national Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers call upon all its affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs to conduct intensive campaign and preparations for ensuring maximum participation of Central government Employees in the general strike. All affiliated organisations are requested to issue their own separate circulars to their lower units instructing them to participate in the strike. Central Government Employees are the worst victims of the neo liberal policies of the NDA Government and hence it is our duty to make the strike a grand success.
The National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) has decided to serve indefinite strike notice to the Govt on 9th June 2016 and to commence indefinite strike from 11th July 2016, if the Govt fails to come to a negotiated settlement on 7th CPC related issues with the JCM National Council Staff Side. In the discussion held on 1st March 2016 with the empowered committee of Secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary, the Government has not disclosed its mind on any of the demands including minimum wage. Thereafter no discussion took place. NJCA has given enough time as requested by the Government by postponing the strike to July 11th. 7th CPC report was submitted to Govt on 19thNovember 2015 and almost five months are over now. The developments that are taking place in the country shows that Modi Govt is becoming more and more and more aggressive towards the workers and common people. Unless we go for an indefinite strike, the Govt may not modify the retrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC. Confederation National Secretariat calls up on all its affiliates and C-O-C’s to continue the campaign and prepare the rank and file membership to go for indefinite strike from July 11th. All affiliates should serve the strike notice on June 9th to their respective Departmental heads. Copy of the strike notice should be sent to all lower units without fail. Branch/Units of some of the affiliates of confederation has complained that their All India leadership has not issued any circular or instructions to them to participate in the strike. Without getting instructions from higher bodies they are reluctant to participate in the strike. Hence it is once again requested to all affiliates of Confederation that:-
(1) Clear instructions may be issued to all lower units now itself to participate in the July 11th indefinite strike.
(2) Copy of the strike notice served to the Departmental head on 9th June 2016 should be sent to all lower units
With May Day Greetings
Yours fraternally
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Sub: Grant of Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- to Group ‘D’ /MTS who retired /expired from service after 29.08.2008, without having been imparted training.
D.G. Posts O.M. No.1-20/2008-PCC (Pt) dated 08.04.2016.
Reference have been received in this Directorate seeking guidelines as to how to determine the Grade Pay of those non-matriculate Group-D employees who retired or dies in harness after the notification of Revised Pay Rule,2008 but before being imparted the requisite training to be eligible for grant of Grade Pay of rs.1800/- in Pay Band-1.
2. The matter was referred to DGP&T/Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. The Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide their ID No. 250446/15 dated 29.01.2016 has clarified the issue as under:
“ In this regard , it is clarified that if a non-matriculate Group-D employees appointed prior to 1/1/2006, died in harness or retired before being imparted the required training as per training programme issued by D/o Posts vide its letter no. I-55/2009-Trg dated 06.04.2009 due to delay attributable to administrative reasons and not due to factors attributable to him, he may be granted the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- if the retrained non-matriculate Group-D employees have been given the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-“
3. In view of the above, it is therefore requested to take further necessary action to regulate the Grade Pay of all affected Group-D employees who died or retired after implementation of Revised Pay Rules, 2008 but before being imparted the requisite training accordingly
4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(R.L. Patel)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
N F P E Circular
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
No. PF-01(e)/2016 Dated: 28th April, 2016
All General Secretaries /NFPE Office Bearers
All Circle /Divisional & Branch Secretaries
Dear Comrades,
1. Xth Federal Council NFPE.
Xth Federal Council of NFPE is scheduled to be held on 7th,8th & 9th September,2016 at Guwahati (Assam) Regional Co-ordination committee of Assam and NE has started preparations. Reception Committee has been formed as below:
1.Shri Indibar Dewri Retired IPOs & Eminent Intellectual-Chairman
2.Com. M.R. Das , Ex. Convenor RCC of P&T Employees, Assam & NE Circle –Working Chairman.
3. Com.D.K. Deb Nath- Convenor RCC Assam & NE- General Secretary.
4.Bishnu Ram Raha -Treasurer
Notice for Federal Council will be issued separately. Federal Executive will also be held in the F/N of 7th September,2016 at Guwahati. Federal Councilors will be paid TA & TA by their respective CHQs as decided in last Federal Executive. No Delegate Fee will be paid to Reception Committee for Federal Councilors. However visitors/observers will have to pay Rs.1500/- as Delegate Fee as fixed by the Reception Committee.
All General Secretaries are requested to direct Federal Councilors to book to & fro tickets to avoid inconvenience.
2. Confederation: National Conference.
Diamond Jubilee National Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers will be held at Chennai on 16th, 17th & 18th August-2016
All India Women Convention of Confederation will also be held during National Conference. All General Secretaries are requested to decide the names of Women Comrades to participate in the Women Convention. Their TA/DA will be paid by the respective CHQs.
3. Celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.
This is the Diamond Jubilee year of Confederation as it was formed in the year 1956 by our great leader Dada B.N. Ghosh Ex. Secretary General-NFPTE. All are requested to celebrate Diamond Jubilee in each Circle by organizing a grand programme.
4. Confederation Trade Union Education Camp at Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
All India Trade Union Education Camp will be organized at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May-2016.NFPE has already allotted quota to affiliates. All General Secretaries are requested to decide delegates as per quota and direct them to book to & fro tickets. Delegate Fee has been fixed as Rs.600/-
5. May-Day Ist May-2016.
May Day on 1st May-2016 should be observed at all work place.
6. All India General Strikes.
The National Convention of Workers under the banner of All Central Trade Unions (except BMS) and All Independent Federations have decided to organize One Day All India General Strike on2nd September on common demands against the anti-people economic policies of NDA Government Mobilize all to participate in the strike.
7. Indefinite Strike from 11th July-2016 on 7th C.P.C. related issues.
National Joint Council of Action has decided to organize Indefinite Strike from 11th July, 2016. Notice for which will be issued on 9th June-2016. Please mobilize all Postal, RMS and GDS employees to participate in strike and make it grand success.
8. GDS Membership verification.
GDS membership verification is likely to be announced by the Department of Posts very soon All General Secretaries are requested to direct all Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries to extend maximum co-operation and full support to enroll maximum no. of members in favour of All India Postal Employees Union-GDS and make it as No.1.
9. GDS Committee.
GDS Committee to review the service conditions and wage of GDS employees under the Chairmanship of Shri Kamlesh Chandra Retired Member , Postal services Board has started function. Memorandum to GDS Committee have been submitted by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS. GDS Committee has fixed date as on 26th May 2016 for oral evidence NFPE with AIPEU GDS-NFPE will present the case before GDS Committee effectively.
10. Retirement of Smt. Kavery Banerjee-Secretary, Department of Post.
Smt. Kavery Banerjee, Secretary, Department of Post is going to retire on 30th April-2016 on superannuation. During her period the relations between administration and staff have remained very co-ordial. Mostly problems got solved with negotiations and she never gave opportunity to staff side to go on agitation. NFPE HQ extends greetings and best wishes for her peaceful and healthy retired life.
With revolutionary greetings.
Comradely yours,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Government hikes minimum wage for contract workers to Rs 10,000
NEW DELHI: The minimum wage for contract workers has been increased to Rs 10,000 per month, Union minister Bandaru Dattatreya said on Monday.
The minister of state for labour and employment informed Lok Sabha that the wage hike has been implemented based on a Supreme Court verdict.
Asserting that the government is committed towards the betterment of the working class, he said workers are being protected through all the rights.
"Recently, we have increased minimum wage to Rs 10,000 at the national level taking into consideration the Consumer Price Index and Dearness Allowance. This was based on the verdict of the Supreme Court. We have linked this increase of minimum wage to pension and bonus," he said during Question Hour.
On April 17, Dattatreya had said the government would bring out an executive order to ensure that contract workers get a minimum wage of Rs 10,000 per month.
The minister of state for labour and employment informed Lok Sabha that the wage hike has been implemented based on a Supreme Court verdict.
Asserting that the government is committed towards the betterment of the working class, he said workers are being protected through all the rights.
"Recently, we have increased minimum wage to Rs 10,000 at the national level taking into consideration the Consumer Price Index and Dearness Allowance. This was based on the verdict of the Supreme Court. We have linked this increase of minimum wage to pension and bonus," he said during Question Hour.
On April 17, Dattatreya had said the government would bring out an executive order to ensure that contract workers get a minimum wage of Rs 10,000 per month.
"It is the endeavour of the central government to make reforms in labour laws and to proceed from minimum wage to universal wage. Because the Opposition is not cooperating in Parliament, we will do it through an executive order," he had said.
"We have taken a decision to make changes to rule 25 of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules. Every contract worker will be entitled to get Rs 10,000 per month," Dattatreya had said.
Source :
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